Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Focus on the Learner Essay Example for Free

Focus on the Learner Essay Muftah, married with four children, is a pleasant student who is struggling in class. Muftah did not receive any English in secondary school or university. He worked as a Physical Education teacher for two years, and then was employed with the Ministry of Youth and Sports for twenty years. In his years of employment, Muftah never needed to speak or write in English until about two years ago, when he started attending International House. He says that he is now learning English because he has a lot of time on his hands. Muftah prefers to study at home, not with friends. He says that he does not focus on reading or writing; but, he enjoys practicing his speaking skills with his fourteen year old son because that’s where he feels he needs improvement. Muftah sees this as an opportunity to bond with, and encourage, his son because Muftah never got this chance when he was younger. When asked if he is interested in working in a company in the future to maintain his English, he said that he will think about it. Muftah joined International House around two years ago and has had no previous official English education. He studies English for fun and to bond with his children who are now studying English in school; so, he regards English as a social tool rather than one to grow career wise. Muftah is very cooperative in class and participates from time to time. He enjoys group work but prefers to work in pairs because he feels he learns more than when he is with a group of people. Muftah’s strengths are in reading and comprehension. In a scanning activity, he responded accurately when asked to read a letter for one minute and reply to three questions: who sent it, where was it sent from, whom was it sent to. In controlled practice of a reading text, he answers fairly accurately when working on column matching or multiple choice exercises. However, when reading longer texts, (e.g. a newspaper article on eating healthy) he finds difficulty in responding accurately and correctly, yet he seems to put things into context and tell briefly what the piece is about. His teacher says that he sometimes leans towards looking for the answer in Arabic from peers and is the least confident in class; so, he may need to be told to engage fully in English. In addition to his less obvious weakness in skimming texts, Muftah displayed mistakes which were typical to those of an Arab learner in pronunciation and grammar. When conducting a pronunciation exercise, his vowels were incorrectly placed most of the time; this may be due to interference from his L1 because Arabic has a different number of vowel sounds from English. Wednesday: /wenÉ ªzde/ scholastic: /skÉ’lstÉ ªk/ sporadic: /spÉ’rdÉ ªk/ Thursday: /teresde/ Shirt: /ÊÆ'eÉ ªrt/ socks: /sÊÅ'ks/ clothes: /klÉ’dÉ ªs/ Department: /dÉ ªpà ¦rtÉ™mÉ ªnt/ Management: /mà ¦nÉ ªÃŠâ€™mÉ ªnt/ January: /Ê’Ã ¦nu:wÉ™rÉ ª/ Also sounds such as /v/, /p/ and /Ê ¤/ were not accurate on the first attempt and replaced with a /f/ and /b/ and /Ê’/ respectively; this is due to the absence of these sounds in the Libyan dialect. In grammar, his auxiliary verbs are either lacking or placed incorrectly, for example: ‘Where you live?’ and ‘What you doing?’; however, if he is asked to repeat, he will acknowledge his mistake and self-correct it. Again, this is due to not having auxiliary verbs in Arabic, just question words. In an attempt to strengthen his skimming skills, Muftah may buy an English newspaper on his way to work (or borrow a magazine from the school library), pick an article, and try to summarize it with his son. At the end of the week, he may hand it to his teacher for homework to check, and attach a list of new vocabulary he learned from the article. That way he can develop his repertoire of vocabulary, and, at the same time, improve his reading and writing skills. If he hands in the homework three weeks in a row, he can have a break the fourth week to celebrate his accomplishment with his son. Another area I would focus on strengthening is forming the interrogative with auxiliary verbs. Divide a poster board into four (or more) categories: sports, music, animals, and history. Each category is colour-coded and should have four to five envelopes under it. In each envelope there is either a name of a personality, an important event, etc. On each envelope there is the number of points to be won, if participant answers correctly, e.g. 100, 200, 300, etc. To play the game, you will need three persons, player A, player B and a referee. The referee stands by the poster board to take out the card that the players choose. The player will then start to ask 5 questions (yes/no questions or wh- questions) to guess what is on the card. For example, in the Sports category, the card may hold Tiger Woods’ name (or another regionally familiar athlete), so player A will ask the referee: Is it a man or a woman? What game does he play? Where is he from? Does he still pay? If he guesses correctly, he gets the points if not; then, a chance is given to player B to gain the points. If neither player guesses correctly, no points are given and they can try again later.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Evolution :: essays research papers

Evolution is a force than nothing can escape. Communities evolve constantly and although there is no standard of where a society should be at any given moment, communities evolve individually. Then in reaction to a developing community, people grow and change. Then in reaction to people evolving the tools that people use develop. This constant evolving usually happens so gradually and slowly that it is hard to detect. As we look back we can see the evolution is a major component of our lives. By focusing mainly on what a person needs to be an active member of society in the New England area we can see exactly how evolution takes its toll on us. Comfort, necessity and luxury are a constantly changing aspect of our society.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we look deeper into the constant changing of what a person needs to be an active member of a community we notice the continuos alteration of what exactly defines a comfort a necessity and a luxury. Comfort by definition is a condition of pleasu rable ease or well being. By that definition there are endless numbers of object that could serve as a comfort. Take public transportation for example. The thought of having the train that takes us into the city is a commonly know option. Not always have people been able to choose public transportation as a method of getting to and from. Dating as far back as 1889 when the first method of public transportation was developed in Massachusetts. Before this the thought of having a bus or train run to the main areas of a community was absolutely unheard of. But in today’s society there are many people who depend of the train or bus to get to work or to school or wherever it is they are going. When exactly did public transportation change from a luxury to a comfortable part of society? We can not exactly put a date on it but as you look back in time with me we can see how slowly and unnoticeably a societies way of life can change. In conclusion a comfort to us now was at one point and time a luxury to the communities who discovered the amazing attributions that have so nicely shaped our society today.Secondly we can take this observation a little closer to today. If we look at the definition of necessity we find that it means pressing or urgent need.

Monday, January 13, 2020

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: Lesson Plan Websites Essay

The standard to the second grade number sense lesson plan website on fractions was supported in many ways. The learning objective geared the teacher and student to know what was expected of the students. The standard was also matched up by the assessment of the lesson. The value of student discussions to help form meaning through operations in mathematics is present in the standards in this website. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used to expand the knowledge of numbers in diverse ways. By showing how fractions relate to the real world in measurements build on extensible and natural concepts of numbers that are wished for. In this fraction lesson plan the teacher in her presentation showed students shapes that were divided into four parts. This helped show concrete examples of part-whole comparisons in a lesson built around good number sense. Also, in the teacher’s presentation she used tiles and asked the students to pretend that they were cookies that she wanted to share with her neighbors and her family. The teacher asked the students how many groups they will need to share these cookies. Fractions are a result of the relationship of numbers being broadened and explored. Mathematical Operations The mathematical operation that was used in the activities of this lesson plan was division. In using division of equal parts in this lesson plan students can learn effectively to use this operation in the world of sharing their pieces of cookies with neighbors and family. By using division it helps connect interpretation of dividing cookies into four equal parts by using fractions. Students will build on their understanding of the division  operation and develop their extra ideas about thinking about basic fact connections. By performing fraction problems, students use the multiplicative process in which numerators and denominators are divided. By dividing into fair shares as this lesson plan instructed students to do show that fractions are also examples of ratios. Grade Level This lesson plan uses fractions and are directed for second graders. The objectives listed in this lesson plan are directed to the second grade level. Also, the activities and assessment are geared to the second grade level. Division operations as stated in the standards may vary many as three grade levels. (Van de Walle, et al. 2010). Differentiated Instruction Differentiated instruction is evident by using cooperative group practice. Cooperative group work helps English Language Learners by learning from their other peers in their group. By preparing these groups with diverse students will be beneficial to English Language learners. Students are also provided differentiated instruction in the presentation part of the lesson plan. Students with learning disability were provided a visual idea by dividing a cookie into four parts to show how fractions are divided. These students will also have differentiated instruction by being placed in cooperative learning groups as well. ( Understanding Mathematics A good math lesson plan uses a framework for the content of the operations and structure for each math instruction and practice. Teachers use lesson plans as guides to teach, review and practice math concepts. The fraction lesson plan uses concepts that can be used in real life situations. Students though their practice allows for teachers to use formative assessment of their tasks. Activities Classroom activities improve student’s achievement by modeling the act of performing mathematics in the real world. Fractions imitate dividing parts to share amongst people. Activities performing these strategies mimic how real world situations can be accomplished. Manipulative Tiles and cards were used as manipulative in this fraction lesson plan. Tiles were used to divide parts to make fractions. Tiles were representing cookie pieces to divide between four family members. Lesson Plan 2 Standards In the Lesson Plan library of problem-solving math support the standard through the objectives and procedures. The lesson plans in the Lesson Plan library uses objectives that match the standards specifically in the way that the students will learn why numbers are an important part of everyday life. It also tells that students will use examples. The procedures also state how numbers are used in everyday lives. Students also will show examples around the classroom of basic numbers. The evaluation also supports the standard through the objectives and goals that are to be met. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used to expand the knowledge of numbers in different forms. By showing how numbers can be used in many ways it relates to the real world by time, measurements, and representing a group. Students expand their previous knowledge of basic numbers, Mathematical Operations The operation of understanding the representation of numbers is what the lesson was about. Students are to reflect on numbers and their meaning behind them. The operation of numbers expands as the student’s perception develops. Also the addition operation matches counting words with items such as group of objects. Grade Level The grade level for the Lesson Plan Library is for Kindergarten through fifth grade. The standards and the objectives used in the Lesson Plan Library are for Kindergarten through fifth grade. The evaluations used in this particular lesson website are also for the same grade level of kindergarten through five. Differentiated Instruction Students that are gifted can write a sentence or two to their drawing of the  diagram. Students can explain in their sentence or two an explanation of the diagram. Students that are gifted need to be challenged and this is a great way to do it. Understanding of Mathematics The Lesson Library shows uses of numbers. The lesson plans are important to have as a guide to follow to instruct students on knowledge they need to learn and to be assessed on in a daily plan. It also shows how numbers are important and why. It is important to understand the meaning of numbers to relate it to the everyday world. Building on the meaning of numbers helps progress to the new level of knowledge. Activities within Lesson Plan Classroom activities improve student’s achievement by showing the importance of numbers in everyday lives. Students demonstrate how numbers are important to life. Modeling important facts with regards to numbers builds on the concepts of numbers. Manipulative Used Manipulative were not used but visuals were. Manipulative would be integrated by allowing the students to use clocks as an example of how numbers are used in time. Also, using cards with numbers on them would be another use for manipulative. Lesson Plan Three Standards The lesson plans on this website supports the standards by using numbers and operations in the learning objectives and the procedures. The assessment also supports the learning objectives and standards by assessing the student’s learned material of the lesson plan. The standard is aligned with the end goal of the objective. Methodology of Number Sense This lesson plan uses methodology of number sense by relating word problems to real life situations. Students through these lesson plans use addition, subtraction, multiplication and simple fractions to build on prior to their word problems involving money. Students use their previous knowledge of addition and subtraction concepts to build on their money world problems. Mathematical Operations The addition, subtraction and multiplication operations are used in these lesson plans. Students relate these operations to real life situations using money concepts. Students start with previous knowledge of addition and subtraction to build on to use multiplication operation. Grade Levels The Discovery Education lesson plan website base their lesson plan off of kindergarten through 5th grade. The lesson plan aligns with the age group through the procedures and assessments. Students’ grade level aligns with the standards as well. Differentiated Instruction The Discovery Education lesson plan uses cooperative groups for differentiated instructions. Students with diverse needs benefit from group learning. Teachers would benefit from picking out these groups ahead of the task assigned. Understanding Mathematics These lesson plans are important for students understanding of mathematics because they are a teacher’s guide to instruct students. These lessons have particular concepts and operations that need to relate to everyday life. Lesson plans are a framework that helps guide the specific instruction. (Van de Walle, et al. 2010). Student Achievement Students can benefit from the activities in their lesson plan by learning how time and money relate to their daily lives. Students will be using activities that relate to the time it takes to go to the store. The activities also improve student achievement by teaching how money relates to everyday life. Manipulative The manipulative used in the lesson plan was a clock. Play money was also used as a manipulative in the lesson plan. Students use manipulatives as concrete examples to relate to real life concepts. Lesson Four Standards The lesson plan from the Discovery Lesson supports the standard by using the objectives to help meet the end goal of the lesson plan. The lesson plan also provides the assessment to align with the standards. The tasks are also aligned to support the standard and follow through until the end. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used in this Discovery lesson on measurements by relating to the measurements of items in real life. Students build on their previous knowledge to construct the new knowledge. Using real life measurements brings to life the real concepts used in everyday life. Mathematical Operations The mathematical operations used in the activities in the lesson plan are addition of measurements. These measurement activities are used in everyday life. The activities consist of measuring books and things in the classroom. Grade Levels The grade level for this lesson website is sixth through eighth grade. Measurements for this grade level align with the standards. The grade level for measurements also meet with the assessments. Differentiated Instruction The gifted/talented students had differentiated instruction evident in this lesson plan. They had more challenging measurements to take of items. They also had an added part to formulate questions relating to the length, width and depth measurements. Student Understanding These lesson plans are important in understanding mathematics because the concepts are needed for everyday life. Students need to make themselves aware that measurements are needed in recipes, weight and height of objects. This concept is relative to many parts of life. Student Achievement The activities on measurements can improve student achievement by understanding why items need to be measured. This concept will be learned by students and students will achieve greatly if they relate these measurements to real life situations. In the long run students will benefit by knowing how and when to use measurements in their everyday lives. Manipulative Measuring sticks were used for a manipulative in measuring items. Items such as books and boxes were also used in measuring. These items are helpful in learning about real life situations. . References Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Seventh Edition, by John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright  © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc,OR(

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Causal Analysis A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay - 904 Words

In the Flannery OConnor story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,† the author introduces us the grandmother’s characteristics in the beginning. The grandmother thinks she is superior to everyone else because she is a â€Å"lady. She judges others and criticized Bailey wife because she believes the mother doesnt take the children somewhere abroad. She is dishonest, dissimulation, and selfish. The Misfit appears at the end of the story. He is showing that he doesnt care about anything or believes in Christ or religious matter. The grandmother tries to influence him that he can be a good person. The grandmother is a contributing factor that tries to show the Misfit that he can be a good man. The grandmother was in fault of being selfish. The moral†¦show more content†¦In this quote, she realizes her attitude was bad when she was with her family, and since they died she realizes she didn’t stand in good faith. The Misfit thinks it meanness to believe in Chri st because there was nothing for him. In Flannery O’Connor stories writes about religious matters to her characters. Like the Misfit he lacks believe of religious, but the other hand the grandmother tries to make him believe the sense of it. â€Å"Thus, Miss OConnors fiction is primarily concerned with mans life-and-death spiritual struggle† (Dowell 236). The Misfit tells his story why he became a killer to the grandmother. He struggled with his life where the point he just became a criminal. When he killed the grandmother he had self-insures. He felt sorry for the grandmother that she ended up that way at the end. â€Å"Because he cannot believe, the Misfit commits himself to evil† (236). She doesn’t believe that he can be an evil person because everyone is missing something. She talks to them until he understood what she is getting at. She tells him he is like one her children: â€Å"What does in fact happen in this part of the story is quite straightforward: the Grandmother, having exhausted all other appeals to the Misfit, resorts to her only remaining (though certainly imperfect) weapon: motherhood. Declaring to the Misfit that he is one of her babies, she sets out to conquer him. Perhaps she hopes that this ultimate flattery will melt his heart, and he will collapse in her comfortingShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The Problem Of Freewill?1495 Words   |  6 PagesThe problem of freewill concerns whether it is possible to retain agency in a world where events are necessitated. For the sake of clarity, my definition of freewill is â€Å"the power of acting or not acting without constraint†. Universal causation or hard determinism (both terms I shall use interchangeably) is the belief that â€Å"events in the future are fixed, as a matter of natural law, by the past†. 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